About females over 50



At 51, I suddenly found myself without my career of twenty years.  Having managed through a failed marriage, the tragic death of the person I considered my soul mate, the death of parents and then my last attempt at a  long term relationship – I thought I was capable of surviving just about anything life could throw my way. Little did I know that this life event would take me to a whole new level of self-doubt, insecurity, and fear.  Fear that I didn’t know what I was doing, or where I was going.

As I began to look for a new job, the information I gathered was bleak.  I was embarrassed and depressed, and if that wasn’t bad enough, a little ditty kept playing through my head to the tune of   Lions Tigers and Bears from the Wizard of OZ.  Bunions, Bulges and Bladder oh my!  Kind of funny, but also not… I felt like the mature version of Dorothy with a whole new set of issues, going down a path to parts unknown.

In 2014, I bought the dominion to FemalesOver50. I knew that I wanted to create a place for women in my position to be able to share their experience, and have easy access to information that would help them manage change.  I was unable to find the resources I needed, and lacked the confidence to network in my personal and professional life, and suspected that I was not alone.  Unexpected (and unwanted) life altering experiences have a way of sucking the marrow right out of a person’s mojo. Unfortunately, my mojo needed some serious rehabilitating! I was paralyzed by self-doubt.

Oprah Winfrey said “I believe the choice to be excellent begins with aligning your thoughts and words with the intention to require more from yourself.”  It has taken me several years, and support from an amazing circle of friends (many of which are contributors to this site) to put my intentions into action. I would not be honest, if I did not admit that I still have fear, but it is time to move forward. They say that courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means that you don’t let fear stop you.

I sincerely hope that this website empowers women. I hope that it helps you to have the courage to take steps down your own yellow brick road, and the comfort in knowing we want to help you on your journey.

Thank you for joining us!

- Julie Veal, Founder