I Am Enough…You Are Enough

So…there I was, sitting on the couch contemplating the universe.  I do that quite often, contemplating that is.  Most often the depth of my contemplation is just about flowers or my fingernails, but today I dove off the deep end into the whole universe thing…

            I am finding the changes in culture that have occurred over the last 50 years amazing.  But the most integral part of our cultural changes I believe is the awareness and self-acceptance that have occurred inside of me and popped out around the age of 50.  (please don’t tell anyone I’m over 50)

            Why is it that the realization that “you are enough” is so elusive?  Your looks are enough, your body is enough, your humor is enough, your mental strength and awareness are enough.  All because This Is You. This is how you are made. Society and those around you CANNOT be the determining factor of you being enough.  Only you and your self-acceptance can decide whether you are enough.  And, trust me, you are enough!

            Give yourself a pat on the back and go out and try something new.  Don’t worry about being “good enough” at something.  Do it for the fun of just doing.  Laugh a lot while doing. Giggle if you must.  If what you are trying turns out nothing like you envisioned, accept it as OK. Let the experience “be enough.”  Go beyond the fear of failure.  You don’t have to be perfect at something to have fun.  Along the road of failures comes experience and knowledge.  “Well I know I never want to experience that again…”  See?  It’s a thing!

            One never learns or grows if one never tries and fails.  So, let even your attempts “be enough.”  The wonderful feeling of accomplishment can be a joyous occasion.  Try something new like taking a cooking class, attending a painting night event, learn to crochet or knit, delve into writing; even if just to start a journal, try quilling, sewing, photography, make your own lotions and bath bombs. These are a few things I have dabbled with.  Be inventive.  Create your own list of joyful possibilities.  

            Because....Joy in Life…is sooooo enough!!!